What does HTML stand for
HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. It is a programming language for creating the structure and the contents of the website.
Every website you visit including this one which you are reading right now is built with the help of HTML. The texts, videos, images, buttons, hyperlinks, and so much more are what HTML can do.
HTML is important because it allows us to add contents to the web page, and it is one of the three main tools for creating websites. The other three tools are CSS and JavaScript.
The cool thing about HTML is despite its long name and the importance of building the website — it is surprisingly simple to learn the skill.
You can learn the basics of HTML in just a few weeks, and with another month of practice, you can expect to be proficient in it. Everyone can learn to code in HTML regardless of their age, education and work background, and prior experience in programming.
Because of this, it often acts as a gateway to the world of programming and web development in particular.
To learn more about HTML, check out this article where you will learn the basics of HTML from the beginning.
If you find the concept of HTML interesting, and you want to get a job in programming, sign up for the course today.
You will learn top programming skills like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and much more that are in high demand, and you will be able to practice them in a real-world scenario.
Plus, you will also practice technical interviews by answering common questions asked during the job interview. All these will help you to become a professional software engineer one year from now.
Как очистить прикреплённый файл html
Такая ситуация : В форме есть «прикрепить геологию» Когда нажимаем на «прикрепить геологию»,то должны выбрать файл.Значит выбрали файл и происходит это : Бывает «Прикреплено файлов: 1» Как сделать так,чтобы был крестик рядом и при нажатии на него можно было бы очистить выбранный файл,чтобы снова стало «прикрепить геологию» вот тут html этой формы
задан 10 янв 2023 в 19:33
Андрей Никитин Андрей Никитин
81 9 9 бронзовых знаков
2 ответа 2
Сортировка: Сброс на вариант по умолчанию
Для этого по нажатию на крестик (onclick=»clearinput()»)
function clearinput()
ответ дан 10 янв 2023 в 20:28
Антон Сибгатулин Антон Сибгатулин
312 1 1 серебряный знак 10 10 бронзовых знаков
Очистить значение input`а
$('#input__file').change(function()< if($('#input__file').val() != 'undefined')< $('body').append('X'); > >) $(document).on('click', '.clear', function()< $('#input__file').val(''); >)
ответ дан 10 янв 2023 в 20:29
171 6 6 бронзовых знаков
Не плохо не плохо,ты опередил меня,но знай,хоть я и програл эту битву на скорость,но война еще не проиграна
HTML JavaScript
In this tutorial, you will learn what is javascript, how to use javascript in HTML, how to include external javascript in HTML, and will see few examples related to this.
What is JavaScript?
Javascript is a scripting language that is mainly used in web development. Using javascript you can write programs that can interact with a webpage’s element.
It can control HTML element’s behavior and makes HTML pages dynamic and more interactive by giving users a way to interact with the webpage. HTML use javascript for client-side scripting.
Nowadays JavaScript is compatible to works on both front-end and back-end. But here we will only talk about the front end.
How to use JavaScript in HTML?
Both HTML and javascript are different languages. So for them to work together you first have to connect then in some way.
There are two ways by which javascript programs can be added to the HTML webpage:
- By writing javascript code within the webpage ( Internal javascript )
- By writing javascript code in an extern js file and then connecting it to the webpage ( External javascript )
1. Internal JavaScript
One way to use javascript in HTML is by writing javascript within the HTML file.
To write javascript within the HTML file, you have to add a script tag in the HTML file.
Now you can write the javascript code within the script tag.
This is the javascript code within the HTML file.
Here is the complete code of a javascript within the HTML file. You can insert a script tag anywhere within the head or body of the document, also you can add as many scripts as you want.
Document First script tag in body.
Second script tag in body.
2. External JavaScript
Another way to use javascript in HTML is by writing javascript in an external js file and then connecting it to the HTML file.
Here is the external javascript file. You can put it anywhere you want.
alert('Hello world!');
Now connect the external javascript file to HTML with a script tag. Here is the complete code.
Document External JavaScript file added to this html document.
Use of javascript
Javascript is mainly used in developing websites. It can perform various tasks on the webpage like it can change or modify the content of any element, can change the size of the container, can change the color of the text, can create animations, and many more.
Here we are going to see a few usages of javascript.
1. Changing the color of the text
Javascript can change the color of text on the webpage. Here is the code to change the color of the text.
Here is the complete code.
2. Changing the size of container
Javascript can change the size of the container on the webpage. Here is the code to change the size of the container.
3. Changing element content using javascript
Javascript can change the content of any element on the webpage.
You are learning HTML function changeContent()
4. Changing box sizing using javascript
Javascript can change the container sizing of any element on the webpage. You can change the width or height of the container by selecting it from the document.
function changeSize()
Changing other style using javascript
Javascript can change the style of any element on the webpage.
function changeStyle()
The noscript tag
The noscript tag is used to hide the content of the page from non-javascript enabled browsers. It displays a message in case your browser does not support javascript. It is used to hide the content of the page from non-javascript enabled browsers.
Прикрепленные файлы к Html
Когда скачиваешь HTML файл то с ним картинки и скрипты, когда перемещаешь HTML файл то файлы тоже перемещаються с ним. Как это сделать?
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Ответы с готовыми решениями:
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Добрый день. Периодически возникает следующая проблема. Пользователи из одного Домино-сервера.
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