Unity has stopped working что делать
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Unity has stopped working что делать

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Решение проблем в редакторе

В следующих разделах рассказано о том, как решать и предотвращать проблемы в редакторе Unity в различных ситуациях. В общем случае, убедитесь, что ваш компьютер соответствует всем системным требованиям, что он не устаревший и в системе у вас имеются все необходимые пользовательские разрешения. Также не забывайте регулярно делать резервные копии ваших проектов, ради их же безопасности.


Вы можете установить разные версии редактора в разные каталоги. Тем не менее, убедитесь что вы делаете резервные копии проектов, т.к. они могут обновиться до более новых версий, и вы не сможете открыть их в более старых версиях Unity. Для дальнейшей информации см. установка нескольких версий.

Лицензии дополнений подходят только для версий Unity c такой же основной версией, например 3.х и 4.х. Если вы обновите Unity внутри основной версии, например с 4.0 до 4.1, то дополнения останутся.


Интернет активация — предпочитаемый метод генерирования вашей лицензии Unity. Но если у вас возникают проблемы, следуйте следующим шагам:

  1. Отключите ваш компьютер от сети, иначе у вы можете получить ошибку “tx_id_invalid”.
  2. Выберите пункт Manual Activation.
  3. Нажмите на Save License Request.
  4. Выберите доступную папку для сохранения, например папку Downloads.
  5. Заново подключитесь к сети и откройте https://license.unity3d.com/
  6. В поле файла нажмите Browse и выберите сохранённый licence request file.
  7. Выберите необходимый тип лицензии для Unity и заполните запрашиваемую информацию.
  8. Нажмите Download License и сохраните файл.
  9. Вернитесь в Unity и выберите Manual Activation если придётся.
  10. Кликните на Read License и выберите загруженный файл лицензии.

Если у вас всё ещё есть проблемы с регистрацией или входом в ваш аккаунт пользователя, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами по адресу support@unity3d.com.

Не удаётся запустить

Если при запуске Unity сразу же падает, то в первую очередь убедитесь, что ваш компьютер соответствует минимальным системным требованиям. И не забудьте обновить аудио драйвера и драйвера видеокарты.

Если вы получаете ошибки, связанные с записью на локальный диск, то проверьте разрешения вашей учётной записи. При использовании MacOS, учтите, что “root user” не рекомендуется и Unity ещё не прошёл тестирование в этом режиме. Unity всегда должен обладать разрешениями на запись файлов в своих папках, но если вы устанавливаете разрешения вручную, то проверьте эти папки:

  • Папку с установленным Unity
  • %AllUsersProfile%\Unity (typically C:\ProgramData\Unity)
  • C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Application Data\Unity
  • C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Unity
  • Содержимое пакета Unity.app
  • /Library/Application Support/Unity
  • ~/Library/Logs/Unity

Некоторые пользователи испытывали затруднения, когда использовали жёсткие диски, форматированные с не нативными разделами и использовали определённые программы для переноса данных между устройствами хранения.


Повреждённые шрифты могут вызвать падение Unity. Вы можете найти повреждённые файлы при помощи следующих шагов:

  1. Откройте каталог со шрифтами на вашем компьютере, расположенный в папке “Windows”.
  2. Выберите пункт “Details” в меню “View”.
  3. Проверьте, нет ли шрифтов с параметром “Size” равным “0”, что указывало бы на проблемный файл.
  4. Удалите повреждённые файлы и переустановите их.
  1. Запустите приложение Font Book.
  2. Выберите все шрифты.
  3. Откройте меню “File” и выберите пункт “Valiadte Fonts”. Проблемные шрифты будут помечены как нерабочие.
  4. Удалите повреждённые файлы и переустановите их.
  5. Ресурсы системы могут быть ограничены, например, при работе в виртуальной машине. Используйте Диспетчер задач, чтобы найти процессы потребляющие много памяти.

Испорченный проект или установка Unity

Unity может попытаться открыть повреждённый проект, это также касается и стандартного тестового проекта. В таком случае переименуйте или переместите папку проекта. После того, как Unity нормально запустится, вы можете вернуть папку проекта в исходное состояние, если захотите.

В случае повреждения копии Unity, вам может понадобится переустановить Unity — смотрите инструкции ниже.

В Windows могут возникнуть проблемы, вроде ошибок при установке, повреждения регистра, конфликты и т.д. Например, ошибка 0xC0000005 означает, что программа попыталась получить доступ к той памяти, к которой не должна. Если вы недавно устанавливали новое оборудование или драйвера, то попробуйте извлечь и заменить оборудование, чтобы узнать, не из-за него ли появляется проблема. Используйте программы для диагностики и проверьте информацию в центре помощи операционной системы.

Производительность и падения

Если редактор работает медленно или падает, в частности на стадии сборки, это может происходить из-за того, что все доступные системные ресурсы уже используются. Закройте все другие приложения при сборке проекта. Почистите систему используя специализированные утилиты и сверьтесь с диспетчером задач (Windows) или Activity Monitor (MacOS), чтобы проверить, нет ли в системе процессов, использующих очень много ресурсов, например, памяти. Иногда антивирусы могут замедлять или даже блокировать файловую систему в процессе сканирования.

Утрата проекта

Есть много различных факторов, способных уничтожить проект. Вам следует постоянно делать резервные копии ваших проектов для предотвращения несчастных случаев. В MacOS, активируйте TimeMachine используя внешний жёсткий диск, используемый только для этой цели. После утери вы можете попробовать использовать какую-нибудь утилиту для восстановления файлов, но иногда файлы оказываются невосстановимыми.


Следуйте этим шагам для переустановки редактора:

  1. Удалите Unity. Если вы используете MacOS, перетащите приложение Unity в корзину.
  2. Удалите следующие файлы, если они есть:
    • Windows:
      • %AllUsersProfile%\Unity\ (typically C:\ProgramData\Unity)
    • MacOS:
      • /Library/Application Support/Unity/
  3. Перезагрузите компьютер.
  4. Скачайте последнюю версию с нашего сайта, т.к. возможно ваш установщик может быть повреждён: http://unity3d.com/unity/download/archive
  5. Переустановите Unity.

Unity Project not loading up

enter image description here

A couple of hours ago I turned off my computer and I just recently came back to work on my project and this has been stuck on my screen for hours I tried restarting my computer that didn’t work and I tried to reopen the project like 10 times and it just stays stuck on («Initialize Asset Database»)

asked Nov 21, 2021 at 19:08
Sheldon Petry Sheldon Petry
43 1 1 silver badge 7 7 bronze badges
Zip your project as a backup, try delete Library folder, re-open, see if it helps.
Nov 21, 2021 at 19:10
Alternatively, use git to commit your work, upgrade Unity version and see if it helps.
Nov 21, 2021 at 19:11
@aybe tried both methods still doesn’t work
Nov 21, 2021 at 19:17

Find the Unity logs, delete them, open project again, check the logs to see where it chokes, do a web search about what you may have have found in it. forum.unity.com/threads/…

Vuforia Engine 10.22 is Available!

The Vuforia Engine team is happy to announce our newest version. Below are the key updates in this release. Please be sure to check out the release notes for the full list.

In this Release:

  • Speed updates on Android: Engine apps running on Android may see faster performance, especially for older Android devices.
  • Refreshed Target Manager: A cleaner user experience and faster loading of image-based targets is now available for anyone using the Target Manager on the Engine Developer Portal.
  • Model Target Training Speed: When generating Advanced Model Targets, some trainings will see a speed up of up to 3 times faster, in particular for longer trainings.
  • Bug fixes and performance improvements


  • Toolchain updates: The minimum recommendations for toolchains now include Android NDK 26 (Android 10+), and Visual Studio 2022.
  • Deprecation: Android 32bit support is now marked as deprecated and will be removed in a future version.

Vuforia Engine Team

February 7, 2024

Vuforia Engine 10.21 is Available!

The Vuforia Engine team is happy to announce our newest version. Below are the key updates in this release. Please be sure to check out the release notes for the full list.

In this Release:

  • Unity Universal Render Pipeline (URP) Support: Vuforia Engine built-in shaders, resources, and prefabs are now URP-compatible for projects that want to use URP.
  • Bug fixes and performance improvements


  • Xcode 15 required: Vuforia Engine 10.21 requires Xcode 15+. If you need to use an earlier version of Xcode, please remain on an older version of the Engine SDK.

Vuforia Engine Team

January 10, 2024

Vuforia Engine 10.20 is Available!

The Vuforia Engine team is happy to announce our newest version. Below are the key updates in this release. Please be sure to check out the release notes for the full list.

In this Release:

  • Advanced Model Target training speeds: Model Targets with Advanced Guide Views will now train up to 40% faster.
  • Improved Model Target detection: Some Model Targets that were difficult to recognize before will now be recognized earlier and track more accurately.
  • Watermark improvements for trial features
  • Bug Fixes


  • Session Recorder backwards compatibility: Sequences recorded with the Session Recording feature of SDK 10.20+ will only load in SDK 10.20 or later due to a format change. Older sessions will load normally with newer SDKs.

Vuforia Engine Team

November 15, 2023

Vuforia Engine 10.19 is Available!

The Vuforia Engine team is happy to announce our newest version. Below are the key updates in this release. Please be sure to check out the release notes for the full list.

In this Release:

  • UWP Camera Bridge: A new tool is available that can be installed on a Windows PC (Windows 11 and later) with an attached industrial camera with a vendor-specific SDK or that uses Windows DirectShow. The tool allows the camera feed to be accessible via the Windows Media Foundation API and by Vuforia Engine UWP applications. For more information, view the documentation.
  • Bug Fixes
  • Performance Improvements

Deprecation Notice

  • Advanced Model Target generation in the MTG 10.3 and earlier: The ability to create Advanced Model Targets in the Model Target Generator (MTG) version 10.3 and earlier is deprecated and will be removed in the future. After the removal, you will no longer be able to train Advanced Model Targets with the MTG version 10.3 and earlier. Untrained targets may still be generated.

Vuforia Engine Team

October 4, 2023

Vuforia Engine 10.18 is Available!

The Vuforia Engine team is happy to announce our newest version. Below are the key updates in this release. Please be sure to check out the release notes for the full list.

In this release:

Vuforia Engine Team

August 23, 2023

Vuforia Engine 10.17 is Available!

The Vuforia Engine team is happy to announce our newest version. Below are the key updates in this release. Please be sure to check out the release notes for the full list.

New Features and Improvements:

  • Camera Intrinsics: Now you can inject camera intrinsics with a sidecar file for UWP apps, making it easier to support custom external cameras without needing to develop a driver.
  • More Detailed Logging in MTG/ATG: The Model Target Generator (MTG) and Area Target Generator (ATG) now have an option to create more detailed logs, to aid in troubleshooting.
  • Bug Fixes and Performance Improvements

Support Notice:

  • Supported Unity Version Change: The minimum supported version of Unity is changed to 2022.3.5f1+.
  • Virtual Buttons are Deprecated: The Virtual Buttons feature has been deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please contact us at vuforia-feedback@ptc.com if you require a workaround for this feature.

Vuforia Engine Team

July 12, 2023

Vuforia Engine 10.16 is Available!

The Vuforia Engine team is happy to announce our newest version. Below are the key updates in this release. Please be sure to check out the release notes for the full list.

New Features and Improvements:

  • Matterport Pro 3 Camera: The Matterport Pro 3 is now one of our recommended scanning devices for creating Area Targets. Even though the camera allows for taking scans from larger distances, make sure to follow our scanning guidelines and use scanning positions that are close enough together to keep Area Targets robust.
  • Area Target Capture: You can now pre-define an origin during Area Target capture to aid in aligning multiple scans.
  • Model Target Generator “No Upload” Mode: Now if you start the Model Target Generator with the command parameter —no-upload, it prevents the user from accessing any option that requires uploading the CAD model, such as Simplification or training Advanced Model Targets.
  • New Camera Control APIs in Unity: New APIs have been added in the Vuforia Unity Extension for enhanced camera control. See the release notes for what platforms are supported.
  • Developer Portal Account Manager: Manage your account details in the new «Account Manager» within the Developer Portal together with a new easy-to-use dashboard upon log in.
  • Area Target Generation on Mac OS 10.13 (Ventura): When running the Area Target Generator (ATG) on Mac OS 10.13 with an Intel CPU, an issue was identified that could create Area Targets with reduced relocalization capability. Developers are advised to regenerate their Area Targets with the latest ATG version 10.16.5, if they previously used any of the ATG versions 10.11-10.15 on such computers.

Vuforia Engine Team

April 26, 2023

Vuforia Engine 10.15 is Available!

The Vuforia Engine team is happy to announce our newest version. Below are the key updates in this release. Please be sure to check out the release notes for the full list.

New Features:

  • Advanced camera controls: Support for additional platforms has been added to the new API controlling focus and exposure. Read the release notes for more details.
  • Model Target User Volume improvements: Model Target training has been greatly improved when User Volumes are employed, making it easier to define User Volumes in close vicinity to the model geometry and optimizing where the volume overlaps with the model.
  • External camera improvements: Engine will now use USB-connected webcams or built-in laptop cameras when no back camera is available, to work more easily in scenarios with different camera setups.
  • Bitrate setting during Session Recording: Now you can set the bitrate used when recording video during a Session Recording, to control the file size. Read the release notes for more information.
  • Premium Plan license generation: Developers subscribed to a Premium or Academic Plan can now generate additional Premium licenses through the License Manager without additional assistance.

Platform Support Notice:

  • UWP 32bit (x86) support is removed: Vuforia Engine no longer supports UWP 32bit and we recommend updating apps to be built for 64bit.

Vuforia Engine Team

March 22, 2023

Vuforia Engine 10.14 is Available!

The Vuforia Engine team is happy to announce our newest version. Below are the key updates in this release. Please be sure to check out the release notes for the full list.

  • Additional camera controls: For native developers, Engine now provides APIs to set the exposure mode and specify a region for focus and exposure adjustments where this is supported by the underlying platform. Read our API docs to learn about platform support.
  • Larger Area Targets without a prior: The support for Area Targets without requiring an external prior has been increased by a factor four, to spaces of approximately 4,000 m² or 40,000 sq ft. Additionally, performance has been improved for large Area Targets.
  • Barcode improvements: Recognition performance of several QR code types has been improved, and micro QR codes are now supported.
  • The “Area Target Creator” app is deprecated and will be removed from the App Store on April 30th. Please download and use the new “Vuforia Creator” app instead, currently available for iPhone and iPad on the Apple App Store.

Vuforia Engine Team

Feb 15, 2023

Support Changes for Vuforia Engine

The Vuforia Engine team is excited to announce new changes to our support options! These changes are replacing our existing Community Forums to provide more efficient support and transparency:

  • Share feedback and raise issues through our issue-only repository on GitHub.
  • For technical questions and solutions, you can use the vuforia tag on Stack Overflow.
  • Continue to use our direct support via our existing support forms.

You can find all relevant support resources in the updated Support Center on the Engine Developer Portal.

Vuforia Engine Team

Vuforia Engine 10.13 is Available!

The Vuforia Engine team is happy to announce our newest version. Below are the key updates in this release. Please be sure to check out the release notes for the full list.

  • Magic Leap 2 Beta Integration: The Vuforia Engine integration for Magic Leap 2 is now in beta. Please check the updated documentation for developing for Magic Leap 2, as the process for setting up a project in Unity has changed.
  • Model Target Performance: Advanced Model Target recognition performance has been improved for iOS devices.
  • VuMark Illustrator 2023 Support: Illustrator 2023 is supported by the VuMark designer.
  • Area Target Improvements for Vuforia Studio: The Area Target Generator (ATG) version 10.13 now has an option to package Area Targets in a format that can be imported and visualized in the 9.9 release of Vuforia Studio, including targets made from point-cloud-based scans.

Vuforia Engine Team

Dec 14, 2022

Vuforia Engine 10.12 is Available!

The Vuforia Engine team is happy to announce our newest version. Below are the key updates in this release. Please be sure to check out the release notes for the full list.

New Feature

Barcode Scanner: Engine now includes a Barcode Scanner API for reading barcodes and QR codes, including while tracking targets like Model and Area Targets. This feature is a Premium feature and will show a watermark for Basic license holders. Use the new API to read barcodes to identify products, launch experiences, or further enrich your apps.

Additional Updates

  • Model Target Mesh Observer: Now the mesh representation of a Model Target is exposed at runtime, enabling visual effects and other benefits while tracking Model Targets.
  • GPS Prior Tutorial for Area Targets: For large spaces GPS can be used to help localize with Area Targets, and now a detailed step-by-step guide with sample code is provided that shows how to do that.
  • Improved Model Target Tracking on iOS and Android: We improved LOW_FEATURE_OBJECT mode for even better detection and tracking of difficult objects. Additionally, the AI-assisted tracking optimizations are now available on all iOS and Android devices running ARKit or ARCore, plus Magic Leap 2 and HoloLens 2.
  • Account Usage Tab on Engine Developer Portal: The amount of target generations for Model and Area Targets is now easily viewable within the Engine Developer Portal along with other account information.

Vuforia Engine Team

Nov 22, 2022

Announcing the Vuforia Creator app!

Available now for iPad, and soon for iPhone, the Vuforia Creator application is an essential companion for anyone developing Augmented Reality (AR) experiences using Vuforia Engine. It enables users to scan and test Area Targets, test Model Targets, and record sessions that can be played back during development for testing.

Key Functionality Includes:

  • Scan an environment and instantly generate Area Targets with a depth-enabled iPad Pro device.
  • Test the detection and tracking quality of Area Targets and Model Targets.
  • Import, share, or delete datasets in the new Asset Browser.
  • Record sessions/walkthroughs to support off-site development, complete with video and six degrees of freedom (6DOF) pose data.

This application will replace the functionality of the Vuforia Area Target Creator application and utilize a brand-new architecture for faster creation of Area Targets.

To download, visit the listing in the Apple App Store here.

Let us know what you think! Send us an email to vuforia-feedback@ptc.com with your thoughts.

Vuforia Engine Team

Vuforia Engine 10.11 is Available!

The Vuforia Engine team is happy to announce our newest version. Below are the key updates in this release. Please be sure to check out the release notes for the full list.

  • Model Target Runtime 3D Guide Views: Now you can create 3D guide views for Model Targets loaded at runtime in Unity, for enhanced eyewear application experiences.
  • OAuth2 authentication in ATG and MTG: The Model Target Generator and Area Target Generator desktop tools now accept Vuforia Engine OAuth2 credentials for login. This allows companies to share and control access to Vuforia Engine target generation associated with one account with multiple employees. To learn more about using Vuforia Engine credentials, view our library document.
  • Area Target Improvements:
    • Performance Improvements on iOS: we’ve made updates to the machine learning library used for localization of Area Targets, for improved performance on iOS devices.
    • More accurate Preview Mesh during Area Target capture: When using the Area Target Capture API, the Authoring Mesh is created and updated live and provided as Preview Mesh via MeshObserver for a more accurate representation of the space as captured.

    If you have questions about this release or other Vuforia Engine features, feel free to post on our community forums. Have an AR experience you’d like to share with us? Please send any videos of your Vuforia Engine application to vuforia-feedback@ptc.com.

    Vuforia Engine Team

    Sep 15, 2022

    Vuforia Engine 10.10 is Available!

    The Vuforia Engine team is happy to announce our newest version. Below are the key updates in this release. Please be sure to check out the release notes for the full list.

    Magic Leap 2

    The Vuforia Team is proud to announce an alpha version of support for Magic Leap 2 with Vuforia Engine. Take advantage of the leading optics and powerful computing of the newly released Magic Leap 2. Please read our documentation to learn how to develop for Magic Leap 2.

    Additional features and notices:

    • Model Target Tracking Improvements: Model Target tracking for cars and other large, reflective objects is now significantly improved on the HoloLens 2 through an AI-powered tracking technology when using the LOW_FEATURE_OBJECTS tracking optimization. This improvement was previously available on higher-end iOS and Android devices.
    • Deprecation Notices:
      • Apple has deprecated Bitcode as of Xcode 14, and no longer supports app submissions containing Bitcode. A future release of the Vuforia Engine SDK will remove Bitcode from the iOS framework.
      • We will be removing the Book Sample and Rendering Sample from the Unity Asset store in the future. For Cloud Recognition, please use the Core Samples instead, and for visual effects please use the VFX Library.

      If you have questions about this release or other Vuforia Engine features, feel free to post on our community forums. Have an AR experience you’d like to share with us? Please send any videos of your Vuforia Engine application to vuforia-feedback@ptc.com.

      Vuforia Engine Team

      Aug 10, 2022

      Vuforia Engine 10.9 is Available!

      The Vuforia Engine team is happy to announce our newest version. Below are the key updates in this release. Please be sure to check out the release notes for the full list.

      • Model Target Tracking Optimization modes: The Tracking Mode and Motion Hint options for Model Targets have been consolidated and simplified. This will help reduce errors during creation and enable faster development. To learn about the new tracking mode settings, click here.
      • Model Target User Volumes: When creating Model Targets, User Volumes can now be set to signify the space where the user will be when viewing the Model Target. This greatly increases the robustness of target recognition, especially in cases where the user is only in specific locations during the experience (for example, underneath a car servicing it, or inside a truck looking at the dashboard) and cannot get the full target into view to initialize tracking
      • Target Manager Database Improvement: Databases within the Target Manager on the Vuforia Engine Developer Portal now load faster for improved viewing speeds.
      • Performance Improvements and Bug Fixes
      • Deprecation Notice: Magic Leap 1 support is deprecated and it will no longer be supported in a future release. You can continue to develop for Magic Leap 1 using older versions of Engine.
      • Unity on MacOS Notice: If you are experiencing DLL related issues on Mac when working in Unity, you might be affected by an unfortunate expired certificate in the SDK. Please see our forum post on how to fix this issue.

      If you have questions about this release or other Vuforia Engine features, feel free to post on our community forums. Have an AR experience you’d like to share with us? Please send any videos of your Vuforia Engine application to vuforia-feedback@ptc.com.

      Vuforia Engine Team

      Jun 29, 2022

      Vuforia Engine 10.8 is Available!

      The Vuforia Engine team is happy to announce our newest version. Below are the key updates in this release. Please be sure to check out the release notes for the full list.

      • Advanced Model Target Improvements: Training times for Advanced Model Targets have been optimized and now depend on the number and size of views. Recognition performance for advanced, close-up views has also been improved.
      • Area Target Improvements:
        • The target’s occlusion mesh is now exposed in the C API which allows native apps to render occluded virtual content in combination with Area Targets as you move through the space.
        • Textured authoring models are now created by the Area Target Creator app and the Area Target Capture API providing an improved authoring experience in Unity. These scans can be loaded into the Area Target Generator for clean-up and post-processing.
        • Area Target tracking data is now compressed and takes up to 60% less space.
        • High Sensor-Rate Permission: Due to new Android permission requirements, developers should add the “high sensor rate” permission to all native Vuforia Engine apps running on Android 12+ for all releases, otherwise VISLAM may not work. Read more about VISLAM tracking here.
        • Permission Handling: The Vuforia Engine behavior of triggering OS-specific user permission requests at runtime is deprecated in 10.8 and will be removed in an upcoming release. All native apps should be updated to manage permissions themselves. The 10.8 sample apps share best practices for this.

        If you have questions about this release or other Vuforia Engine features, feel free to post on our community forums. Have an AR experience you’d like to share with us? Please send any videos of your Vuforia Engine application to vuforia-feedback@ptc.com.

        Vuforia Engine Team

        May 11, 2022

        Vuforia Engine 10.7 is Available!

        The Vuforia Engine team is happy to announce our newest version. Below are the key updates in this release. Please be sure to check out the release notes for the full list.

        • Model Target Web API: Now you can generate Model Targets using the Web API to streamline target generation pipelines.
        • Model Target Size Reduction: For Model Target databases with multiple models, the overall database size is significantly reduced, in particular if multiple advanced views are created per model.
        • Matterport OAuth 2 Support in the ATG: Matterport scans can now be accessed in the Area Target Generator app using Matterport OAuth credentials.
        • Bug Fixes and Performance Improvements
        • Object Targets Are No Longer Supported in Version 10.7 and Above: Please use scanned Model Targets instead.
          • Applications that are currently using Object Targets will continue to work on versions 10.6 and below. If your application is updated to 10.7 or above, Object Targets will stop working.

          If you have questions about this release or other Vuforia Engine features, feel free to post on our community forums. Have an AR experience you’d like to share with us? Please send any videos of your Vuforia Engine application to vuforia-feedback@ptc.com

          Vuforia Engine Team

          Vuforia Engine 10.6 is Available!

          The Vuforia Engine team is happy to announce our newest version. Below are the key updates in this release. Please be sure to check out the release notes for the full list.

          • Area Target Capture Sample Scene: The Unity Core Samples include a scene to learn the basics of Area Target capture using the new capture API.
          • Pose Smoothing in Unity: Targets in Unity now have the option to smoothly animate from one pose to another when tracking changes from extended mode to tracked mode, eliminating some sudden jumps.
          • File Driver Improvements: The File Driver now includes a “play from” and “wait” mode for faster development.
          • Audio support in Session Recorder: The Session Recorder can now record videos with audio in addition to sensor data.
          • Deprecation Reminder: HoloLens 1 is no longer a supported device. Please use HoloLens 2 instead.

          If you have questions about this release or other Vuforia Engine features, feel free to post on our community forums. Have an AR experience you’d like to share with us? Please send any videos of your Vuforia Engine application to vuforia-feedback@ptc.com.

          Vuforia Engine Team

          Mar 31, 2022

          PTC Stands with Ukraine, Discontinues Business in Russia

          Hello Vuforia Developers,

          PTC stands with the Ukrainian people and condemns the Russian invasion of Ukraine in the strongest possible terms. In response to this unprovoked invasion, which continues to result in unnecessary loss of life and has forced so many Ukrainians to flee their homes and seek safety, PTC will discontinue all business operations and sales in Russia and Belarus. All developer accounts and applications belonging to developers in Russia and/or Belarus will be suspended. At this critical moment, the human impact of this tragedy needs to be front and center.

          PTC, through its foundation, will donate $1 million to support humanitarian efforts for the Ukrainian people. PTC joins all those around the world calling for peace and the fastest possible end to this conflict.

          If you have questions regarding this discontinuance, or believe your account has been incorrectly impacted, please contact vuforia-feedback@ptc.com

          You can read our corporate announcement here.

          Feb 16, 2022

          Vuforia Engine 10.5 is Available!

          The Vuforia Engine team is happy to announce our newest version. Below are the key updates in this release. Please be sure to check out the release notes for the full list.

          • Model Target Improvements: Advanced Model Targets now produce a significantly smaller database size and improved recognition when using multiple up-close entry points.
          • Area Target Generator Update: The Vuforia Area Target Generator introduces a brand new UX and intuitive tools to edit 3D scans and generate targets.
            • Quickly visualize imported 3D scans from Matterport and other supported 3D scanners.
            • The new crop functionally enables developers to simply crop out sections of a 3D scan and generate multiple Area Targets out of a single space.

            If you have questions about this release or other Vuforia Engine features, feel free to post on our community forums. Have an AR experience you’d like to share with us? Please send any videos of your Vuforia Engine application to vuforia-feedback@ptc.com.

            Vuforia Engine Team

            Jan 27, 2022

            Vuforia Engine 10.4 is Available!

            The Vuforia Engine team is happy to announce our newest version. Below are the key updates in this release, and please be sure to check out the release notes for the full list.

            • Area Target Improvements: Area Targets are now more robust to lighting changes, have improved relocalization, and have a smaller dataset size.
            • Snapping Improvements for Static Car Mode: Static Car mode for Model Targets now provides a more accurate initial tracking pose directly after detection for challenging targets with reflective metal parts.
            • Mac OS ARM Support: Unity Play mode is now supported natively on M1 Macs.
            • Area Target Unity Sample: Learn how to create navigation guides and IoT visualization in a virtual version of our PTC Corporate Experience Center. Start here.
            • Core Sample Project for Unity Updates:
              • Sample code and structure has been significantly simplified.
              • The Model Targets scene offers new augmentation effects.
              • Session recordings have been added to be played back in Editor Play Mode for simplified testing.

              If you have questions about this release or other Vuforia Engine features, feel free to post on our community forums. Have an AR experience you’d like to share with us? Please send any videos of your Vuforia Engine application to vuforia-feedback@ptc.com.

              Vuforia Engine Team

              Jan 13, 2022

              Do More with Vuforia Engine for Free

              The team is excited to announce you can now do more with Vuforia Engine for free.

              AR Creators, your choice to partner with us for developing innovative applications and solutions is something we take seriously. PTC is dedicated to our customers, developer community, and the future of augmented reality. To help bring more value to our users, and to further the adoption of AR technology in both consumer and industrial spaces, we’ve decided to offer a free commercial Basic Plan, a more affordable Premium Plan, and optional Cloud Add-ons.

              Features included in our new free Basic Plan are as follows: Image Targets, Multi Targets, Cylinder Targets, Ground Plane, and VuMarks. A license for this plan can be obtained through the license manager.

              For customers looking to take advantage of our more advanced technology, Model Targets and Area Targets, we are now offering a Premium Plan for an annual subscription fee. This will be offered at a lower cost than the old Pro license.

              With both Basic and Premium, your company can publish unlimited applications under a single plan.

              If you are interested in learning more about our Premium Plan, please reach out to us via our sales form to learn more.

              For more information about our new plans please visit our pricing page or licensing FAQ.

              The Vuforia Engine Team

              Nov 15, 2021

              Vuforia Engine 10.3 is Available!

              The Vuforia Engine team is happy to announce our newest version. Below are the key updates in this release, please be sure to check out the release notes for the full list.

              • VFX Library for Vuforia Engine: Our new VFX library offers developers pre-made visual effects to use in their AR applications! Check them out in the Unity Asset Store.
              • Area Targets Update: Combining multiple smaller Area Targets covering a larger space is now simpler as you can activate multiple targets at once. Vuforia Engine loads the necessary data at run-time, similar to how large Area Targets have been supported.
              • Area Target Capture API public beta: This new beta API integrates the capture of Area Targets into your applications to share or to use them instantly. To request participation in the beta, please email us at vuforia-feedback@ptc.com. You can find the beta documentation here.
              • Deprecation notice:
                • Support for HoloLens 1 is deprecated in Vuforia Engine 10.3, and it will not be a supported device in the future. We will continue to support HoloLens 2.
                • Vuforia Engine 9.8 will no longer be supported after February 2022. We recommend upgrading to the newest version of the SDK to experience the latest performance improvements and hardware support.

                If you have questions about this release or other Vuforia Engine features, feel free to post on our community forums. Have an AR experience you’d like to share with us? Please send any videos of your Vuforia Engine application to vuforia-feedback@ptc.com.

                Vuforia Engine Team

                Sep 29, 2021

                Vuforia Engine 10.2 is Available!

                The Vuforia team is happy to announce our newest version of Vuforia Engine. Below are the key updates in this release, please be sure to check out the release notes for the full list.

                • Model Target Tracking Improvements: Model Target tracking using ADAPTIVE mode now provides more agility and accuracy when tracking models in motion with experiences that use Extended Tracking.
                • General performance improvements and bug fixes.

                If you have questions about this release or other Vuforia Engine features, feel free to post on our community forums. Have an AR experience you’d like to share with us? Please send any videos of your Vuforia Engine application to vuforia-feedback@ptc.com.

                Vuforia Engine Team

                Aug 24, 2021

                Announcing Vuforia Engine 10.1

                Vuforia Engine 10.1 brings several improvements, including:

                • Improved VuMark detection and tracking: VuMark tracking is more robust, especially with VuMarks that are further away and/or smaller.
                • Faster Area Target generation: When using data from Leica scanners, Area Targets can be created in less time.
                • Performance improvements and bug fixes

                For more information, you can read the release notes here. Additionally, this release incorporates feedback from developers who got started on 10.0. Thank you for your contributions, and please keep the feedback coming!

                Jul 29, 2021

                Vuforia Engine 10 is Available!

                Hello developers! The Vuforia team is excited to announce the release of Vuforia Engine version 10. This newest update introduces a brand-new API for faster and easier development, reduces the size and upload time of Model Targets with new compression technology, improves tracking for several of our leading target types, and more. Please be sure to check out the release notes for complete details.

                Before You Update!

                Please carefully review the version 10 migration guide. Since there are many significant changes to the API, you will need to update the code in your apps for them to function properly.

                • New Vuforia Engine API: This modernized API enables developers to create the same applications faster and more efficiently with fewer lines of code.
                • Enhanced Compression Technology: New compression technology will greatly reduce the upload times for Model Targets by up to 80% and the dataset size by 50%. This will result in a smaller application footprint and provide users with a faster, better performing application.
                • Automatic Simplification for All Users: We’re now offering our automatic Model Target simplification to all license holders! This simplification happens in the cloud and doesn’t require any additional effort from developers.
                • Improved Tracking: We continue to improve our tracking algorithms to respond to the ever-evolving hardware and platform needs of our developers. Targets will now snap faster and track more robustly in greater variety of conditions.
                • Simplified Installation for Unity Extension: In response to feedback, we’ve streamlined the process of installing the Unity Extension by delivering it as a .unitypackage.

                If you have questions about this release or other Vuforia Engine features, feel free to post on our community forums. Have an AR experience you’d like to share with us? Please send any videos of your Vuforia Engine application to vuforia-feedback@ptc.com.

                May 21, 2021

                Join us for Vuforia Live on May 27

                Vuforia Live is a half-day virtual event devoted to all things augmented reality, featuring sessions on the business value of AR, spotlights on real-world AR case studies, updates on PTC AR products, and a sneak peek into what the Vuforia team is working on next.

                Visit the event website to register!

                Mar 15, 2021

                Vuforia Engine 9.8 is Available!

                The Vuforia team is happy to announce new updates on how you can access the Model Target Generator, enhancements for Model Target testing, and new robust tracking for stationary devices. Below are the key updates in this release, please be sure to check out the release notes for the full list.

                • Offline Model Target Generator: Using a provided authentication token, developers can now use the new Offline Vuforia Model Target Generator. (For approved Pro Licenses only. Please contact support.)
                • Model Target Scale Validation: When using Model Targets a new STATUS_INFO value WRONG_SCALE will be reported to alert the developer if the Model Target does not match the physical size of the object being tracked. This event can be processed at runtime or used just in the development process.
                • Static Device Tracker: This is ideal for applications where the device will remain static, like on a tripod or an overhead camera on a workbench. There is no need for the device to first be in motion for tracking to start. Perfect for toys, books, or even maintenance scenarios that require the use of both hands.

                If you have questions about this release or other Vuforia Engine features, feel free to post on our community forums. Have an AR experience you’d like to share with us? Please send any videos of your Vuforia Engine application to vuforia-feedback@ptc.com.

                Vuforia Engine Team

                Mar 10, 2021

                Vuforia Engine One Million Developers: AR

                Creators Contest

                Hello Vuforia Developers!

                We are excited to announce that our Vuforia Engine community has reached one million registered developers, making this one of the largest AR developer communities online today. This is an extremely exciting moment for the Vuforia Engine team, and to say thank you for your continued support and contributions, we’re holding an AR Creators Contest! If you’d like to participate for a chance to win an iPhone 12 Pro Max or an iPad Pro 12.9, read the rules below.


                You can submit your video entry from now until April 19 th under one of these two categories:

                • Best Student/Hobbyist* application (Prize: iPhone 12 Pro Max)
                  • Application should use augmented reality for a specific purpose: Solving a problem, communicating a messaging, making a game or concept more engaging, etc.
                  • Application should include an intuitive and clean UX.
                  • Application should demonstrate a stable augmented reality experience.
                  • Student or hobbyist cannot work in the AR or VR industry professionally.
                  • Application should demonstrate a unique or out-of-the-box way to use augmented reality.
                  • Application should use augmented reality for a specific purpose: Solving a problem, communicating a messaging, making a game or concept more engaging, etc.
                  • Application should include an intuitive and clean UX.
                  • Application should demonstrate a stable augmented reality experience.

                  How to Enter:

                  • Create a video of your Vuforia Engine AR application.
                    • In this video tell us (verbally or with text) what your application does and why you chose Vuforia Engine.
                    • This video should not exceed 60 seconds.
                    • Review our video guidelines here.

                    Feel free to share your submission video on social media with #Vuforia1MContest.

                    Please read all the legal rules and regulations here.

                    All videos entered have the chance to appear in our Vuforia Engine highlight reel that will be shared on social media at the end of the contest. Winners will be announced at the beginning of May. We can’t wait to see what you submit! If you have any questions please feel free to email vuforia-feedback@ptc.com.

                    The Vuforia Engine Team

                    Vuforia Engine 9.7 is Available!

                    New year, new version of Vuforia Engine. The team is excited to announce enhancements to our Model Target Generator, new scanner support for Area Targets, and updated functionality in the Area Target Creator application. Below are the key updates in this release, please be sure to check out the release notes for the full list.

                    • Model Target Simplification: We’ve added a new model simplification process in the Vuforia Model Target Generator. This feature will simplify a 3D model in our secure Vuforia cloud by reducing the polygon count and number of parts to the optimal size for tracking a Model Target with your devices. (This feature can only be accessed with a paid ADVANCED TARGET ADD-ON for the Pro license.)
                    • The Area Target Generator now supports scans from:
                      • NavVis M6 and VLX mobile mapping systems.
                      • Leica BLK360 and RTC360 3D reality capture solution. (Beta only)

                      If you have questions about this release or other Vuforia Engine features, feel free to post on our community forums. Have an AR experience you’d like to share with us? Please send any videos of your Vuforia Engine application to vuforia-feedback@ptc.com.

                      Vuforia Engine Team

                      Nov 25, 2020

                      Vuforia Engine 9.6 is Available!

                      The Vuforia Engine team is happy to announce that version 9.6 is now live! We’ve made some quality of life improvements to our Model Targets development process and have added support for the new Iphone 12 for scanning Area Targets. Below are the key updates in this release, please be sure to check out the release notes for the full list.

                      Model Target Generator

                      • When creating a close-up guide view with Advanced Model Targets the Model Target Generator will now automatically calculate a suitable target extent for optimal detection.
                      • Detection of Standard Model Targets has been enhanced to include a wider range of positions around the defined guide view for snapping to the model.

                      Vuforia Area Target Creator App

                      • Developers can now create Area Targets quickly and easily on the new iPhone Pro 12!
                      • The amount of scanning time supported in the application has been increased to 5 minutes to help developers capture larger spaces and include more details.

                      Unite Now 2020 Session:

                      • Check out our Unite Now 2020 session on the value of spatial AR and how to create a Vuforia Engine Area Target! Watch here.

                      If you have questions about this release or other Vuforia Engine features, feel free to post on our community forums. Have an AR experience you’d like to share with us? Please send any videos of your Vuforia Engine application to vuforia-feedback@ptc.com.

                      Vuforia Engine Team

                      Oct 22, 2020

                      Vuforia Engine 9.5 is Available!

                      The newest Vuforia Engine release drops today! The focus of 9.5 is around usability updates for our advanced features and expanding our support to Unity AR foundation. Below our the key updates in this release, please be sure to check out the release notes for the full list.

                      Unity AR Foundation Support

                      • Vuforia Engine now offers complementary support for AR Foundation for new and existing applications. Developers can utilize the advanced features in Vuforia Engine simultaneously with the features offered in AR Foundation, like Environment probes and vertical surfaces.

                      Model Target Generator

                      • The Model Target Generator has been updated to offer a more intuitive and guided interface for creating Model Targets. Clear, separated tabs make it simple to adjust options like scale, orientation, model coloring, and tracking modes.

                      AR Session Recorder

                      • Having unlimited access to locations and real-world objects to test AR applications can be difficult, especially now. With the Session Recorder, developers can record their AR experiences in the location, and then use that recording with Playback mode in Unity for editing and updating.

                      If you have questions about this release or other Vuforia Engine features, feel free to post on our community forums. Have an AR experience you’d like to share with us? Please send any videos of your Vuforia Engine application to vuforia-feedback@ptc.com.

                      Vuforia Engine Team

                      Sep 09, 2020

                      Vuforia Engine 9.4 is Available!

                      The team is happy to announce the release of Vuforia Engine 9.4 today! This new update focuses on enhancing our Model Target feature. We’re also releasing a new application, the Vuforia Area Target Creator, so that anyone can generate and test Area Targets. Below are just a few of the changes included in Vuforia Engine 9.4 – be sure to check out the release notes for the full list.

                      Area Targets

                      • Creating Area Targets made simple! The Vuforia Area Target Creator application allows developers to easily generate an Area Target using a depth-enabled mobile device, such as the new iPads and iPhones (coming soon) with LIDAR scanners.
                      • The Vuforia Area Target Creator also enables users to test the tracking and stability of existing Area Targets in their corresponding environments before developing content, such as one that have been created using other scanners.
                      • Interested in giving Area Targets a try? Watch our newest tutorial video: Vuforia Engine: How to Create Area Targets.

                      Model Targets

                      • The Model Target Generator now offers automatic coloring of specific part of 3D models. This process helps improve recognition and tracking.
                      • When training Advanced Model Targets, the Model Appearance can now be selected in the “Start Training” dialog.

                      If you have questions about this release or other Vuforia Engine features, feel free to post on our community forums. Have an AR experience you’d like to share with us? Please send any videos of your Vuforia Engine application to vuforia-feedback@ptc.com.

                      Vuforia Engine Team

                      July 22, 2020

                      Vuforia Engine 9.3 is Available!

                      Vuforia Engine 9.3 releases today and the team has developed some great new things that continue to evolve our advanced features. Below are just a few of the changes included in Vuforia Engine 9.3 – be sure to check out the release notes for the full list.

                      Since the initial release of both Model Targets and Area Targets, Vuforia has been committed to improving the usability and performance of these advanced features. Check out some of our new enhancements:

                      • Model Targets — Improvements to the training of Advanced Model Targets allows for better recognition of objects when the object covers most or all of the view. While ideally it is best for the object’s silhouette and some background to be in view, this is no longer strictly required for recognition. To take advantage of this new feature, please re-train your databases with the Vuforia 9.3 Model Target Generator.
                      • Model Target Generator — For overlapping recognition ranges, a warning has been added to the Model Target Generator in case multiple Advanced Guide Views have been created that share the same target extent. This reduces database size and improves recognition speed.
                      • ATG and MTG input/output paths — Localized input and output paths – in particular paths containing Chinese, Japanese or Korean Characters — are now supported in the Area Target Generator and the Model Target Generator.
                      • Java language bindings for Android have been removed.

                      The entire team at Vuforia is extremely excited about all the technology we’re building this year and we cannot wait to see the amazing games, experiences, and applications that our community is building!

                      If you have an AR experience you’d like to share with us, please send any videos of your Vuforia Engine application to vuforia-feedback@ptc.com.

                      The Vuforia Team

                      June 15, 2020

                      Vuforia Engine 9.2 is Available!

                      Vuforia Engine 9.2 drops today! This release includes many quality of life improvements based on community feedback. Please be sure to check out the release notes for the full list.

                      The Vuforia team is committed to making our developers successful in developing augmented reality applications. Below are a few new pieces of content to help support the community when using our new features.

                      • How to Create Model Targets — Link
                      • How to Create Instant Image Targets — Link
                      • Unity Blog: Vuforia Engine Area Targets — Link
                      • Stay tuned for our Area Targets Webinar!

                      Be on the lookout for more content, as we will be releasing videos regularly at our YouTube channel.

                      The entire team at Vuforia is extremely excited about all the technology we’re building this year and we cannot wait to see the amazing games, experiences, and applications that our community is building! We’d love to see what you are doing, feel free to send movie links to: vuforia-feedback@ptc.com to show us what you are doing with Vuforia Engine.

                      If you have questions about this release or other Vuforia Engine features, feel free to post on our community forums.

                      The Vuforia Team

                      Vuforia Engine 9.1 is Available!

                      The Vuforia Engine team is excited to announce our most recent update! This release we’ve focused on prioritizing enhancements on our leading functionalities and adding new device support. Vuforia Engine 9.1 includes the following advancements and support:

                      • Model Target improvements (Improved tracking, stabilization, and recognition)
                      • Higher resolution on popular ARCore devices
                      • RealWear HMT-1 support
                      • Improvements to Playmode Simulator
                      • ATG available on macOS

                      For a more detailed look at each of our new updates, please review our release notes. If you have questions about this release or other Vuforia Engine features, feel free to post on our community forums.

                      The Vuforia Engine Team

                      Mar 18, 2020

                      Vuforia Engine 9.0 is Available!

                      The Vuforia Engine team has been working hard to offer our developers more ways to create immersive, engaging AR experiences – and today we get to show you that work. Vuforia Engine 9.0 includes the following advancements and functionality:

                      • Vuforia Engine Area Targets with Area Target Generator
                      • Advanced Model Targets – Multiple Model Detection
                      • Scanned Model Targets
                      • Simulation Play Mode
                      • Vuforia Engine Tracking Scale
                      • Continued experiences when pausing applications

                      Vuforia Engine Area Targets enable developers to use an entire space, be it a factory floor or retail store, as an augmented reality target. Design intuitive navigation for factories and malls, dynamic marketing promotions inside stores, or useful amenity and service details for hotel rooms with this powerful new feature.

                      Using our first supported device, a Matterport Pro2 camera, developers can create a detailed 3D scan of a desired location. Locations are recommended to be indoors, mostly static, and no larger than 1,000 m² (10,000 sqft). Once the scan produces a 3D model it can be converted into an Area Target with the Vuforia Area Target Generator. This target can then be brought into Unity where content can be placed within a digital representation of the space. You simply scan, author, and view your Area Target AR experience.

                      Model Targets are one of our most powerful features that use CAD models to offer robust tracking. To offer even more use cases, we’ve extended its capabilities to support multiple objects being detected from any angle within the same scene. This allows applications to discover multiple products or different items automatically without pre-selecting them. To make Model Targets more accessible we published a detailed guide for using Model Targets with objects that have been scanned using a 3D scanner, such as the Structure Scanner from Occipital 3D. Scanned Model Targets allow developers to build experiences that offer all the same powerful tracking without having to get access to a CAD model.

                      To help developers better visualize their AR applications, we’re offering a Simulation Play Mode. This allows users to “walk through” or around the 3D model and see the final AR experience from their computer. This can be useful for testing applications where you may have limited access to the physical space or object.

                      We’ve also made user improvements for both developers and end-users. For developers, we’re now offering Vuforia Engine Tracking Scale. This will automatically convert from meters, which Vuforia Engine natively uses, to whatever unit system you’re using in Unity. It provides an arbitrary scale in your virtual scene to help you adjust digital content. From the end-user perspective, we’ve greatly improved tracking when an application is interrupted. This could be when you get a phone call or open another application. When the user comes back to the AR application tracking will continue.

                      For a more detailed look at each of our new updates, please review our release notes. If you have questions about this release or other Vuforia Engine features, feel free to post on our community forums.

                      The Vuforia Engine Team

                      Jan 28, 2020

                      Vuforia Engine Supported in Unity

                      Hello Vuforia Developers

                      On Friday January 24th Unity posted an “XR Platform Updates” article. Unfortunately, the original version of this article included unclear information about Vuforia Engine. Vuforia Engine is still supported, and will continue to be supported, in Unity. What has changed is that the Vuforia Engine package will no longer be natively distributed by Unity but can be easily obtained from the Unity Asset Store via our Core Samples or our hosted NPM registry. You can learn more about how to download the Vuforia Engine package here.

                      We apologize for any confusion. If you have any questions, please feel free to post them on our community forums.

                      This Unity Scene is not loading

                      Reason might be that you did not assign the scene in your build. This is an easy fix if this is the case. To check if it is, you can go to the Build Settings. under the File tab. Once in there, you should see the Scenes In Build category, in there you should also see your scene(s). If not, you will need to assign them by going to each scene and pressing Add Open Scenes . Once done, it should work properly from there.

                      Not sure if this is an issue, it has been a while since I have coded in C#. But, in my scene manager, I wrote the scenes name as such:

                       public void StartButton()

                      Not sure if that matters, but I thought I might as well put that out there.

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