Как удалить pcouffin
Pcouffin.sys — это драйвер в Windows. Драйвер — это маленькая программа, обеспечивающая взаимодействие компьютера с оборудованием и устройствами. Это означает, что драйвер имеет прямой доступ к внутренностям операционной системы, аппаратным средствам и т.д.
Бесплатный форум с информацией о файлах может помочь вам разобраться является ли pcouffin.sys вирусом, трояном, программой-шпионом, рекламой, которую вы можете удалить, или файл принадлежит системе Windows или приложению, которому можно доверять.
Вот так, вы сможете исправить ошибки, связанные с pcouffin.sys
- Используйте программу Настройщик Windows, чтобы найти причину проблем, в том числе и медленной работы компьютера.
- Обновите программу low level access layer. Обновление можно найти на сайте производителя (ссылка приведена ниже).
- В следующих пунктах предоставлено описание работы pcouffin.sys.
Информация о файле pcouffin.sys
Описание: pcouffin.sys не является важным для Windows и часто вызывает проблемы. Файл pcouffin.sys находится в подпапках «C:\Users\USERNAME» или иногда в подпапках «C:\Program Files». Известны следующие размеры файла для Windows 10/11/7 82,816 байт (65% всех случаев), 82,048 байт или 47,360 байт.
Приложение не видно пользователям. Это не системный процесс Windows. pcouffin.sys представляется сжатым файлом. Поэтому технический рейтинг надежности 37% опасности.
- Если pcouffin.sys находится в папке C:\Windows\System32\drivers, тогда рейтинг надежности 40% опасности. Размер файла 47,360 байт. У процесса нет видимого окна. У процесса нет детального описания. Это не файл Windows. pcouffin.sys представляется сжатым файлом.
Важно: Некоторые вредоносные программы маскируют себя как pcouffin.sys. Таким образом, вы должны проверить файл pcouffin.sys на вашем ПК, чтобы убедиться, что это угроза. Мы рекомендуем Security Task Manager для проверки безопасности вашего компьютера.
Комментарий пользователя
Размер: 44096 байт версия 1.33 XPruSP2 |
Это драйвер для мышки razer imperator, в моем случае по крайней мере. Он накрылся и курсов мыши не двигается Борис |
После установки у меня вырубилась вся система.Невозможно сделать откат и прочие способы восстановления системы не работают.Уничтожен Аваст, Мозилла. Перестал работать принтер, мышка, клавиатура и еще много чего. До сих пор сижу как у разбитого корыта, не знаю как все восстановить. Татьяна |
82 816 байт Мой имеет такой размер, при открытии окна свойства сообщил что СОЗДАН, ИЗМЕНЁН и ОТКРЫТ. два дня назад. как реагировать пока не знаю. Win7x64 proff,кстати диспечер устройств сообщил pcouffin device for Amd 64 bits system, но у меня чисто интел core2quad Vadik |
Итого: Средняя оценка пользователей сайта о файле pcouffin.sys: — на основе 3 голосов с 4 отзывами.
39 пользователей спрашивали про этот файл. 3 пользователей не поставили рейтинг («я не знаю»). Один пользователь оценил, как важный для Windows или установленной программы. Один пользователь оценил, как представляется нужным. Один пользователь оценил, как опасный (программа-шпион, троян, реклама, вирус).
Лучшие практики для исправления проблем с pcouffin
Аккуратный и опрятный компьютер — это главное требование для избежания проблем с pcouffin. Для этого требуется регулярная проверка компьютера на вирусы, очистка жесткого диска, используя cleanmgr и sfc /scannow, удаление программ, которые больше не нужны, проверка программ, которые запускаются при старте Windows (используя msconfig) и активация Автоматическое обновление Windows. Всегда помните о создании периодических бэкапов, или в крайнем случае о создании точек восстановления.
Если у вас актуальные проблемы, попробуйте вспомнить, что вы делали в последнее время, или последнюю программу, которую вы устанавливали перед тем, как появилась впервые проблема. Используйте команду resmon, чтобы определить процесс, который вызывает проблемы. Даже если у вас серьезные проблемы с компьютером, прежде чем переустанавливать Windows, лучше попробуйте восстановить целостность установки ОС или для Windows 8 и более поздних версий Windows выполнить команду DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth. Это позволит восстановить операционную систему без потери данных.
Следующие программы могут вам помочь для анализа процесса pcouffin.sys на вашем компьютере: Security Task Manager отображает все запущенные задания Windows, включая встроенные скрытые процессы, такие как мониторинг клавиатуры и браузера или записей автозагрузки. Уникальная оценка рисков безопасности указывает на вероятность процесса быть потенциально опасным — шпионской программой, вирусом или трояном. Malwarebytes Anti-Malware определяет и удаляет бездействующие программы-шпионы, рекламное ПО, трояны, кейлоггеры, вредоносные программы и трекеры с вашего жесткого диска.
pcouffin сканер
Security Task Manager показывает все запущенные сервисы Windows, включая внедренные скрытые приложения (например, мониторинг клавиатуры или браузера, авто вход). Уникальный рейтинг надежности указывает на вероятность того, что процесс потенциально может быть вредоносной программой-шпионом, кейлоггером или трояном.
Бесплатный aнтивирус находит и удаляет неактивные программы-шпионы, рекламу, трояны, кейлоггеры, вредоносные и следящие программы с вашего жесткого диска. Идеальное дополнение к Security Task Manager.
Инструмент ремонта ПК бесплатное сканирование, очистка, восстановление и оптимизация вашей системы.
Welcome to VOSviewer
VOSviewer is a software tool for constructing and visualizing bibliometric networks. These networks may for instance include journals, researchers, or individual publications, and they can be constructed based on citation, bibliographic coupling, co-citation, or co-authorship relations. VOSviewer also offers text mining functionality that can be used to construct and visualize co-occurrence networks of important terms extracted from a body of scientific literature.
VOSviewer version 1.6.20
VOSviewer version 1.6.20 was released on October 31, 2023. This version offers improved features for creating maps based on data downloaded through APIs. It also supports creating maps based on data exported from Scopus in the new Scopus file format.
VOSviewer version 1.6.19
VOSviewer version 1.6.19 was released on January 23, 2023. This version offers a number of improvements in VOSviewer’s support for creating maps based on OpenAlex data. It also fixes some problems in creating maps based on Web of Science data.
VOSviewer version 1.6.18
VOSviewer version 1.6.18 was released on January 24, 2022. The following features have been added:
- Creating maps based on OpenAlex data. OpenAlex is a new open data source released recently by OurResearch.
- Querying Europe PMC using full-text search and creating citation-based maps based on Europe PMC data.
- Creating co-authorship and citation-based maps of organizations based on Semantic Scholar data.
- Querying Crossref using ROR (Research Organization Registry) IDs.
Microsoft Academic has been discontinued and is therefore no longer supported by VOSviewer.
VOSviewer version 1.6.17
VOSviewer version 1.6.17 was released on July 22, 2021. The following features have been added:
- Support has been added for sharing maps online. Maps will be visualized using the VOSviewer Online tool released last week.
- Support has been added for creating maps based on files exported from the Lens.
- Support has been added for VOSviewer JSON files, a new file type that provides an alternative for VOSviewer map and network files.
More information can be found in this blog post.
VOSviewer version 1.6.16
VOSviewer version 1.6.16 was released on November 25, 2020. This version fixes some problems in VOSviewer’s functionality for working with data from Dimensions and Semantic Scholar. It also offers new functionality for querying the Microsoft Academic API using author, affiliation, and journal IDs and for creating term co-occurrence maps based on Semantic Scholar data.
VOSviewer version 1.6.15
VOSviewer version 1.6.15 was released on April 1, 2020. This version fixes some problems in VOSviewer’s functionality for querying the API of Microsoft Academic. It also offers a few new options for querying the Microsoft Academic API, including options for searching in abstracts and for filtering out duplicate documents and non-scientific content.
VOSviewer version 1.6.14
VOSviewer version 1.6.14 was released on January 27, 2020. This version offers improved support for querying APIs. DOI files provide increased flexibility and can now also be used to query the Microsoft Academic API. The title search option for querying the Crossref API has been repaired. Also, security issues on Mac systems have been fixed.
Citation and bibliographic coupling maps based on Microsoft Academic data
February 29, 2020. A bug has been discovered in VOSviewer’s functionality for creating citation and bibliographic coupling maps based on Microsoft Academic data. This bug will be fixed in an update of VOSviewer that we expect to be released soon. In the meantime, we recommend not to use VOSviewer’s functionality for creating citation and bibliographic coupling maps based on Microsoft Academic data.
Problem with API of Crossref
November 26, 2019. There is a problem with VOSviewer’s support for the API of Crossref.�Searching in titles of documents is not possible at the moment.
Problems with APIs of Crossref and Microsoft Academic
October 16, 2019. There are problems with VOSviewer’s support for the APIs of Crossref and Microsoft Academic. In the case of the Crossref API, searching in titles of documents is not possible at the moment. The Microsoft Academic API doesn’t work at all. We hope these problems will be fixed soon.
Note for Windows users of VOSviewer
August 13, 2018. On many Windows systems, the Windows Defender software currently indicates that the Windows version of VOSviewer causes a security threat. This warning is incorrect. We are in contact with Microsoft’s Windows Defender team to solve this problem. As a temporary solution, you may use the VOSviewer version for other systems.
Problems with Scopus data
May 29, 2018. Many users of VOSviewer have reported problems in working with CSV files exported from Scopus. These problems are caused by bugs in the export functionality of Scopus. The Scopus team is working on fixing these bugs. In the meantime, we recommend to make use of other data sources, such as Web of Science, PubMed, or Crossref.
Problems with Scopus data
March 22, 2019. Many users of VOSviewer have reported problems in working with CSV files exported from Scopus. These problems are caused by issues in the export functionality of Scopus. We are working together with the Scopus team to fix these issues.
VOSviewer version 1.6.13
VOSviewer version 1.6.13 was released on September 16, 2019. This version provides a few minor bug fixes.
VOSviewer version 1.6.12
VOSviewer version 1.6.12 was released on August 31, 2019. This version supports the Microsoft Academic API as a new data source for VOSviewer.
VOSviewer version 1.6.11
VOSviewer version 1.6.11 was released on April 3, 2019. This version solves the problems experienced by VOSviewer users when working with CSV files exported from Scopus.
VOSviewer version 1.6.10
VOSviewer version 1.6.10 was released on January 10, 2019. The most important new features are:
- Additional APIs. In addition to the Crossref API, it is now also possible to use the Europe PMC, Semantic Scholar, OCC, COCI, and Wikidata APIs as data sources for VOSviewer.
- Interactive querying of APIs. The Crossref and Europe PMC APIs can now be queried interactively in VOSviewer.
- Co-citation maps based on Dimensions data. Support has been added for creating co-citation maps based on Dimensions data.
- Additional reference manager file formats. In addition to the RIS format, VOSviewer now also supports the EndNote and RefWorks formats.
More information about the new features introduced in VOSviewer version 1.6.10 is available in this blog post.
VOSviewer version 1.6.9
VOSviewer version 1.6.9 was released on August 29, 2018. This version offers support for data exported from Dimensions. Data from Dimensions can be used to create co-authorship, citation, and bibliographic coupling maps. More information is available here.
VOSviewer version 1.6.8
VOSviewer version 1.6.8 was released on April 27, 2018. This version offers a number of smaller improvements. In particular, the algorithms for creating citation-based maps have been improved and support for creating maps of organizations has been extended.
VOSviewer version 1.6.7
VOSviewer version 1.6.7 was released on February 16, 2018. Some of the improvements introduced in this version are listed below:
- New colors. The network, overlay, and density visualizations have new color schemes. A number of different color schemes are provided in the overlay and density visualizations. More information is available here.
- Improved author maps. Hyperauthorship publications can be filtered out. First names of authors can be included in a map or they can be reduced to initials.
- Improved term maps. Structured abstract labels can be removed. Very general adjectives are ignored.
VOSviewer version 1.6.6
VOSviewer version 1.6.6 was released on October 23, 2017. Some of the new features and improvements are listed below:
- Support for Crossref data. Functionality has been added for creating co-authorship, citation, and term co-occurrence maps based on Crossref data. Data can be downloaded directly through the Crossref API. More information is available here.
- Improved visualizations. Improvements have been made to the visualizations. Highlighting of items has been improved.
- Improved support for Chinese characters. When a map includes Chinese (or Japanese or Korean) characters, this is automatically recognized and the characters are visualized correctly.
- Improved user interface. A number of user interface improvements have been made.
VOSviewer version 1.6.5
VOSviewer version 1.6.5 was released on September 28, 2016. Some of the improvements introduced in this version are listed below:
- Overlay visualizations. These popular visualizations have been made more prominently visible.
- Maps based on bibliographic data. Functionality for creating maps based on bibliographic data has been improved. Items can be filtered based on citation counts, and various types of overlay visualizations are supported.
- Command line parameters. Many new command line parameters have been added to support the fully automatic production of maps.
- Improved user interface. By reorganizing some user interface elements, more space has been made available for showing the visualizations.
Additional information on this new version of VOSviewer is available here.
VOSviewer version 1.6.4
VOSviewer version 1.6.4 was released on April 7, 2016. This version includes the following new features and improvements:
- Citation networks. Functionality has been added for creating direct citation networks based on Web of Science and Scopus files.
- Keyword co-occurrence networks. Functionality has been added for creating keyword co-occurrence networks based on Web of Science, Scopus, and PubMed files.
- Support for RIS files. Functionality has been added for creating co-authorship, keyword co-occurrence, and term co-occurrence networks based on RIS files. The RIS file format is supported by for instance Mendeley, BibSonomy, Zotero, and Publish or Perish.
- Automatic layout parameters. When creating a new map, the parameters of the layout technique can automatically be set to appropriate values.
- Improved user interface. A number of user interface improvements have been made.
VOSviewer version 1.6.3
VOSviewer version 1.6.3 was released on October 27, 2015. This version includes the following new features:
- Bibliographic coupling and co-authorship networks of countries. Functionality has been added for creating bibliographic coupling and co-authorship networks of countries based on Web of Science and Scopus data.
- Automatic detection of copyright statements. When creating a term map, copyright statements in the abstracts of scientific publications can be automatically detected and ignored.
Next edition of CWTS VOSviewer course takes place in January 2024
On January 23-26, 2024, CWTS organizes the next edition of its VOSviewer course. The course takes place online. Participants will learn about all ins and outs of VOSviewer. The course is taught by the VOSviewer developers and includes a lot of hands-on practice with the software.
VOSviewer Online
VOSviewer Online is a web-based version of VOSviewer. It runs in a web browser and can be used to share interactive visualizations and to embed these visualizations in online platforms. More information can be found in this blog post.
VOSviewer Online in Dimensions
VOSviewer Online has been integrated in Digital Science’s Dimensions platform, making it very easy for Dimensions users to create VOSviewer visualizations of co-authorship networks and citation networks. More information is available in this blog post.
You may also be interested in our CitNetExplorer tool
CitNetExplorer is a software tool for visualizing and analyzing citation networks of scientific publications. Citation networks can be explored interactively, for instance by drilling down into a network and by identifying clusters of closely related publications.
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Только в минуты покоя он. Глава одиннадцатая оставалось надеяться, что это не так, иначе. Может, приедете, когда она немного успокоится. Нет я действительно не ожидала, что вы подойдете. Поэтому я и готова закрыть глаза на ваши похождения. Успокойтесь и стойте смирно.