Непредвиденная ошибка; выполняется выход
Произошла непредвиденная ошибка, и Visual Basic не удалось продолжить работу. Это может быть проблема с оборудованием или влияние другого программного обеспечения в вашей системе.
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Unexpected Error; Quitting
«Unexpected error; quitting.»This error occurs when setting a company as default, and will only occur on a computer running Windows NT, Windows 2000, or Windows XP.
This error is caused by insufficient registry permissions for the user that is attempting to build an index. The FRx Engine must create a subkey in the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\Typelib key the first time it is run. Normal users cannot create subkeys under the aforementioned key.
To resolve this issue, the FRx Engine must be launched by an administrative user the first time it is run.
- Log onto the computer as an administrative user.
- Launch FRx Designer.
- Select any company as default (FW or FWC will work fine).
- Repeat steps 1-3 for all other computers on which this issue occurs.
Once these steps are completed, users should be able to launch FRx and select any company as default. If the error still occurs, complete the additional steps below:
- Log onto the computer as an administrative user.
- Click Start, and then click Run. Type regedt32, and then click OK.
Follow the remaining steps below for the operating system that is installed on the workstation.
Windows NT:
- In the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT on Local Machine window, scroll to the TypeLib key.
- Click on the TypeLib key, and then on the Security menu, select Permissions.
- Click Add, select Everyone from the Names list, select Read in the Type of Access list, and then click OK.
Select the Replace Permission on Existing Subkeys check box, and then click OK.
Windows 2000:
- In the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT on Local Machine window, scroll to the TypeLib key.
- Click on the TypeLib key, and then click on the Security menu and select Permissions.
- Click Add, select Everyone from the Names list, and then click OK.
- Verify that the Read check box is selected in the Permissions section, and then click the Advanced button.
- Select the Reset permissions on all child objects and enable propagation of inheritable permissions check box, click OK, then click OK again to close the Permissions window.
- Double-click on the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT key to expand it, then scroll to the TypeLib key.
- Right-click on the TypeLib key, and then click Permissions.
- Click Add, type Everyone, and then click OK.
- Verify that the Read check box is selected in the Permissions section, and then click the Advanced button.
- Select the Replace permission entries on all child objects with entries shown here that apply to child objects check box, click OK, and then click OK to close the Permissions window.
Getting error message — «Unexpected error, quitting» while opening the VB6.exe
I am not able to run Microsoft Visual Basic (VB6) in my system. I am continuously getting error messages — Unexpected Error, quitting. (Visual Basic was not able to start up due to an invalid system configuration. Missing or not registered VB6TMPL.TLB) (Unexpected error; quitting) Also I am not able to install VB6 Setup.exe in my windows10 64 bit system. Always getting «Not Responding» screen. I tried to install VB6 setup.exe multiple times, but it is always going to Not Responding screen and not getting installed.
Unexpected error quitting как исправить
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Unexpected error; quitting
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Заголовок сообщения: Unexpected error; quitting
Добавлено: Ср, май 06 2009, 07:53
Возникла следующая проблема при установке SAP Logon 710 пользователю. Устанавливаю как обычно.
Вываливается эта ошибка несколько раз во время установки. Потом пытаюсь запустить SAP и появляется ошибка MESSAGE_TYPE_X
The current application triggered a termination with a short dump.
Что произошло?
The current application program detected a situation which really
should not occur. Therefore, a termination with a short dump was
triggered on purpose by the key word MESSAGE (type X).
Анализ ошибки
Short text of error message:
Система управляющих элементов: ошибка при адм-ии управляющего элемента.
Technical information about the message:
Message classe. «CNDP»
Number. 006
Variable 1. » »
Variable 2. » »
Variable 3. » »
Variable 4. » »
Variable 3. » »
Variable 4. » «
Ноты смотрел, ничего про проблеме не нашёл.